
Community efforts for a cleaner coastal line: Beach Cleanup event in Dar es salaam, Tanzania on Earth Day 2023

On April 22, 2023, people from all around the world celebrated Earth Day to raise awareness about environmental issues and taking action to protect the planet. In Dar es salaam, Tanzania, our organization, Human Dignity and Environmental care Foundation (HUDEFO) organized a beach cleanup activity to contribute to this global movement, with a main theme

“Give the Earth a helping hand, invest in our planet”

The beach clean-up took place at mikoko beach-Mikocheni, over 105 volunteers, including members of our organization, local resident, and students joined the beach clean-up effort. But we were not alone in this endeavor, numerous organizations from across Dar es Salaam such as MBRC THE OCEAN, NEF INTL, AGEM-UDSM, ECO HUB, Mikoko Beach DMI also joined hands, recognizing the urgency of preserving our natural environment. together, we formed a powerful alliance united by a shared vision of a cleaner, healthier coastal line for future generations.

The volunteers were provided with gloves, garbage bags, and other necessary equipment’s to help them in their cleaning efforts. They split into teams and covered different sections of the beach, collecting plastic bottles, food wrappers, and other types of waste.

Our program manager Mr. Tidison Cleopance took a moment during the beach clean-up event to address the volunteers and share an inspiring message:

“Today, as we come together on this beautiful beach, we not only witness the impact of human activity on our environment but also the power we possess to reverse it. Our presence here today signifies our commitment to preserving the beauty of our planet and leaving a sustainable legacy for future generation”

During the clean-up event, students from Agape secondary school were engaged in a masterclass and informed them about the impact of litter on the environment and the importance of keeping the beach clean. The activity aimed to raise awareness and inspire youth to take responsibility for their actions and reduce their waste footprint

The beach clean-up lasted for several hours and resulted in the collection of 3,400kg of trash. the volunteers sorted the waste and separated recyclable items, which were sent to the recycling plant and the non-recyclable waste was disposed of in an environmentally-friendly manner. The amount of waste collected clearly highlights the severity of the problem of litters on the beach.

The clean-up activity not only helped to make the beach cleaner but also created a sense of community among the volunteers. Many of them expressed satisfaction with the positive impact they had made and the opportunity to contribute to a good cause.

In addition to the rigorous clean up efforts, the beach cleans up event at mikoko beach on earth day 2023 also brought a sense of joy among the volunteers and community. Amidst the task of picking up litter, moments of laughter and friendly competition filled the air as various games were organized on the sandy shores. Volunteers enthusiastically participated in beach soccer matches, showcasing their skills and team spirit. Additionally, groups gathered to play cards, fostering connections and building relationships beyond the common goal o environmental conservation. These interactive games not only provided a well-deserved break from the clean-up activities but also created a vibrant atmosphere of togetherness, highlighting the importance of community engagement and collaboration in safeguarding our natural treasures.


The clean-up activity not only helped to make the beach cleaner but also created a sense of community among the volunteers. Many of them expressed satisfaction with the positive impact they had made and the opportunity to contribute to a good cause.

In addition to the rigorous clean up efforts, the beach cleans up event at mikoko beach on earth day 2023 also brought a sense of joy among the volunteers and community. Amidst the task of picking up litter, moments of laughter and friendly competition filled the air as various games were organized on the sandy shores. Volunteers enthusiastically participated in beach soccer matches, showcasing their skills and team spirit. Additionally, groups gathered to play cards, fostering connections and building relationships beyond the common goal o environmental conservation. These interactive games not only provided a well-deserved break from the clean-up activities but also created a vibrant atmosphere of togetherness, highlighting the importance of community engagement and collaboration in safeguarding our natural treasures.